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What We Do

medical services at the forefront of modern medicine

The purpose of medicine is achieving your best health possible.  This is the reason why Cornerstone Private Practice provides not only customer service and personal dedication that go beyond the standard, but also medical services at the forefront of modern medicine.

Focus on Prevention

Heart disease (cardiovascular disease) is the #1 cause of death for American men and women. The first symptom of this disease for roughly half of these victims is sudden death.

Strokes are the #3 cause of death and a major cause of disability among Americans.

Most heart attacks and strokes are preventable, but standard medical care does not do an adequate job of preventing either.

Skin cancer is by far the most common kind of cancer in Americans, outnumbering the next most common kinds of cancer by more than 15:1. Many skin cancers are slow growing and less likely to metastasize, however melanoma skin cancer is not like that and can be a very serious form of cancer. Melanoma is #6 on the list of common cancers in men or women, and a recent study suggests that the incidence of melanoma skin cancer may be much higher than previously reported.

Diabetes affects 1 in 12 people of all ages in the United States. Diabetes or pre-diabetes affects more than 1/3 of U.S. adults older than 20! It is the #1 cause of kidney failure, blindness, and non-traumatic amputations of the leg in the U.S., as well as a major contributor to heart attacks and stroke. Even though early signs of diabetes can be detected a decade or more before a person is labeled diabetic, almost 30% of people with diabetes in the U.S. still have not been diagnosed.

At Cornerstone Private Practice we believe your medical care should take into consideration these and other common diseases. As a result, our primary focus is the prevention and early identification of these kinds of conditions, as well as proactive intervention if diagnosed. This outlook is incorporated into the care and services we provide to all our patients.

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