Please pass on the salt! Last month, the CDC reported that 9 out of 10 Americans consume more sodium than is recommended.... Continue reading
True or False: Soda is okay if it is “diet”? According to a recent study that followed 2500 people for 10 years, daily intake of diet sodas... Continue reading
Be One in a Million Hearts! You don’t have to be old to have a heart attack or a stroke. Every day about 2200 people die... Continue reading
Salty Love Leads to Painful Hearts A recent study by the CDC found that 9 out of 10 people consume more sodium than is necessary –... Continue reading
In Your Corner: February 2012 – Love Your Heart! With February comes Valentine’s Day. As we spread our love to those dearest to us,... Continue reading
Not all Fat is Created Equal Ever wondered why it sometimes seems that thin, fit people don’t have to watch what they eat... Continue reading
Yoga = Apple? = You know the old saying about an apple a day? Well maybe we should be eating... Continue reading
It’s Good to be a Quitter when… …you need surgery. Did you know that some people-including some clinicians-believe that... Continue reading
Dr. Dowd featured in Suffolk News-Herald (again!) Check out the article on Dr. Dowd and his talk “Building Optimal Health: The Heart of the Matter”... Continue reading
Sushi and Building Heart Health I’m looking forward to eating sushi and talking with patients, friends and anyone else... Continue reading
Mind-Body Links I often talk to my patients about the connections between one aspect of our health with others. ... Continue reading
Love your Heart Happy Valentine’s Day! And Happy American Heart Month! Show your special someone how much... Continue reading